Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

i am 17 years old and i have never cut my hair before. i have just snipped a few uneven ends off but thats it. my hair has never been short. my parents never wanted me to cut my hair, they said it was beautiful. my hair is down to a bit below my waist(it grows very slowly). i hated when people have always stared at me and said "You have really long hair" or "I love your hair, its so long". its like they didnt think i knew my hair was already long. many people have said my hair is beautiful. but its difficult to style and keep, the only easy thing is washing it. i used to hate my hair. a lot of people have also told me to cut it for the sake of change. but now that im getting older im realizing that its a part of me. but i do want to see what i look like in short hair. maybe i will miss it after it gets cut(thats my fear). i will be officially allowed to cut it when i turn 18, which will be in about 6 and a half months. should i cut it for the sake of change or should i keep it???

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

Speaking from a personnel prospective , i would say keep it long , believe it or not i used to have lovely long blond hair lol , but unfortunately i inherited my grandfathers genes and started to "thin abit on top" no jokes please ;oD, and i do miss it %26gt; The good thing about your hair is it will grow back ( if you cut it ,it will grow faster than now ). I have to say, as a bloke , i love long hair . But the decision is yours, you'll be the same person with short or long hair xxxx

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

try taking ur hair in pieces. bobby pin, clip, or fasten them somehow to ur part. do u lke it that lenghth? if u do, go 4 it, if u dont, dont cut it.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

if you do decide to cut your hair, don't do it for the sake of change. find a salon associated with locks of love and donate it to them. they make wigs for children with cancer and other diseases that cause the hair to fall out. you can donate 12 inches at a time, so your hair will never be short.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

I cut mine and didn't regret it because it was so much easier to manage. Hair does go a bit frizzy sometimes when it is cut from really long. Don't cut it unless you are really sure, if you are not sure what to do, then you are not ready to cut it yet.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

I would cut it. It will always grow back! just look on google for some pictures of nice hairstyles that you like. Then bring the picture to the hair dresser and they will cut your hair like that picture! If you don't like it shorter, then grow it out and don't cut it again! Hope that helps!

all my love,

sashié–³?br>Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

I used to have waist length hair - just because I had a bad experience at a hairdressers and let it grow and grow! I went for the chop so to speak, although I did it in stages - so I got about 4 inches cut off and then another 3 - it is still just above mid way on my back but it is so much more manageable and I can do loads more with it! You dont have to have it cut really drastically to make a difference and if you have a few long layers cut into it, you will look different too!

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

cut it but still have it long!! put some long layers through it too..stunning

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

try something like this






Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

Omg I did that 10 years ago and have regretted it ever since. I have never had the patience to grow it back. If it is getting difficult to manage have a good bulk of it cut off,have it thinned out and have some layers put through it. You could also have it razor cut (ask your hairdresser) it looks lovely when its cut that way, and you could also experiment with colour. Have a few streaks put through it or have some highlights.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

It sounds like you have been thinking about doing this for a long time. I definately think you should cut it BUT do not chop it off too much...I think that you should first cut it to where it is in the middle of your back...still considered long hair. See how it feels for a while. If you don't like it cut it won't take as long to grow back because it is already long. If you like it but still want it shorter, then wait a while then cut it again. But do it gradually. If you have had long hair all your life and then cut off too much at once, you might be in shock.

Be your own person...take a chance and cut it (gradually)! Remember...it is YOUR hair...no one is washing/styling it for you!

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

3 of my mates where the same one of them cut it i think the longer hair looked better ( but she spilt with her bf i think it was a new her as far as she was concered) my other mate kept it long and it is so lovly i wish i had kept my hair long would be 100x easier to manage than to keep having layers cut in all the time!

Alot of people are telling my sister to cut her hair but once she gets to collage they tend to change and wish they had longer hair so why not wait untill ur ceratin cos ur not in a rush to cut ur hair and nvr do it just cos of what others will say or think

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

i say dont cut it. if you like it then keep it long. .my hair is mid back and i wish it would grow longer!!!! every time ive cut it short ive always hated it..

if you want to see what you would look like with short hair, find a stylest/friend you trust who knows tricks to make long hair look shorter.. i had a friend for example whos hair went to her knees, but when she was at work, she almost always had it so much shorter because of the way she would clip it, then see if you like the way you look with that length. if you truly do then cut it their.. otherwise. keep it!

dont cut it for the sake of change, cut it because you find you really like it shorter..

as for styling, shorter hair is harder to keep up with because their are so many different styles, but you have to maintain them compared to most ones with long hair where you just have to keep it brushed..

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

You don't need to cut it all off, just to shoulder length and then you would still be able to tie it back and put it up. There is a great organizition called 'Wigs for Kids' who take your hair to make wigs for kids who have lost theirs through illness, so you would be getting a new 'do' and helping out a child....go for it!

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

Its best to think if its the right thing to do and is it what you want. Because once its cut, its going to take years to grow back. If you do decide to cut your hair cut it gradually so it wont be such a shock. But think long and hard about it before having it cut as you may regret it later.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

my dad cried when i had my waist-length hair cut into a short bob for a family wedding, more years ago than i care to mention!

first thing i noticed was i got rid of the re-occurring headaches from the plats/bunches, hair slides etc to keep it out of my eyes or from getting in the way

that weight, you either get used to it or you don't.

my hair is now short by choice, easy to look after, keep clean %26amp; i'm headache free.

but it really is your crowning glory %26amp; ultimately your choice.

you could try a shoulder-length cut, have it trimmed regularly every six - eight weeks %26amp; in time it should grow back slowly but surely, back to your waist again if you really miss it.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

Can you borrow a short hair wig?

If you are in the UK, many Colleges have Hair and Beauty Courses where the new students practise with wigs; if you explain your predicament they may be happy to let you try a wig, over the top of your hair, just to see how it looks.

If it looks (and you feel) dreadful, you wont have made an irreversible decision.

I have a friend who kept her hair long (mainly because her husband liked it the way it had been when they met); she has just had about 6 inches cut off and had it coloured; she is in her 50's.

Don't let anyone pressure you into anything. Take your time over any decision you may make. Don't do anything just "for the sake of change" do it because that is what you want to do and do what makes you happy.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

Think it over seriously before you decide as you might really regret it .Your hair sounds lovely and it's just the way people say these things they are probably envious.You should try on a few short wigs and see if that tells you anything.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

Actually, I'd say because it grows so slowly, you should get it cut a little, maybe shoulder length. Long hair isn't everything, it might be nice for you to have the chance to be known for something else!

If you do choose to have it cut, please visit www.locksoflove.org and check it out.

Don't listen to kuriouskelly, she doesn't understand and she's an idiot. Not everybody's questions are about starving children.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

if you do decide to cut you hair, don't cut it too short to start with, my sister did and she was really upset for a long time.

cut a few inches off and see how you feel, then maybe cut some more off, but as hair is the most natural thing we possess, I'd be inclined just to trim it.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

You say your hair grows very slowly, but it has probably reached its optimum length so won't grow any longer - so you probably don't have any idea how fast it grows, really, as you have never cut your hair.

But I wouldn't go the whole hog to start off with, maybe to below shoulder length with some layers. Don't cut it ALL off, you will really regret it!!!

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

I guess i'm kinda like you, i've had some trims to cut off the split ends, but never actually cut my hair. My sister is big on doing hair and she says i should cut mine and i'm always having to come up with excuses to not cut my hair and i know exactly how you feel but i've been wanting a change latly so maybe i will cut my hair becuz of course hair grows bak right? so it's really up to you if you feel like you would miss your hair to much then don't cut it and if you feel like you really need a change then go for it but not becuz ppl keep saying "O wow your hair is really long". But becuz you want it shorter.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

The thing is, it doesn't have to be long or short and that's it.

Have a play with it - have some layers and bangs cut into it first and work your way up. That way, nothing drastic and regrettable can really happen, if you don't like it, then it won't take as long to grow back as it would if you had it cut to your chin.

I was in the same spot as you 3 years ago. Granted my hair wasn't as long, but I loved having it long, but it made me look a lot younger than I was - getting I.D'd at the pub younger! So I went for it. I got a good few inches off initially and got some layers and a fringe. I just kept on getting it a bit shorter everytime I went to the salon. Now it's just below my chin and to be honest, I;ve never been happier with my hair, nor had it look so damn good!

Just graduate it, do it over a few months- year. Plus that way, it won't be so much of a shock to your folsk either!

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

hi - theres a web site that lets you upload a piture of yourself and see what you look like with different hairstyles.

this might be just the thing for you to "try before you buy" sort of thing.

i think you might regret it if you just do it as its been part of you for so long.

have you tried having it put up for a different effect?

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

Omg I know what will look so cute on you I wish I had hair like you :-)

lets see cut it up to your shoulders below not above here are some cute styles

*original ponytail

*a big braid

*two pigtailz or two braids with this a hat like like this on top leting the pigtails hang out on your shoulders http://www.limitedtoo.com/detail/1559720

*side braid or pony tail

*half pony tail

*curl it

*crimp it or crunch it

*straighten it and leave it down :-)

good luck i can't wait till' I grow my long hair again :-)

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

Go on this website to see what you will look like with short hair all you need is a photo of yourself.


Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

I have gone through the same thing. I had hair down to almost my knees. It was hard to manage I just had to cut it. It took a long time to finnally get myself to be ok with it. i cut it to my shoulders and it looked awesome. The reason I think I loved it so much was because it wasn't like me. I say you go for it and if you don't like it, you could always get extensions. They are about $30 but they are worth it. Good Luck

Wanna talk?

juliathegymnast@yahoo.com :)

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

You say you will be officially allowed to cut your hair when you turn 18. What exactly does that mean. Your parents are not giving you the choice? I don't see why you can't have it cut now if you so wish you are 17 after all and should have that freedom of choice.

If you want to get it cut then do so and if not keep it! Long hair like you have now is nice and can be beautiful but slightly less longer hair than the length it is now can also be just as nice. You seem very unsure about getting it cut so if you decide to I think you should just get 3-4 inches off the length to start with, so it will still be long, just not as long. I can imagine it is difficult to wash and takes a lot of time and effort to brush and dry etc.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

I dont know, i think having hair that long is something unique about you which is good, but also it might be hiding your face and im sure just keeping it clean is a giant pain in the ***!. I havent helped at all have i?!

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

No, definitely don't cut it. It's like you said, it's a part of you... That's a big thing... There aren't too many people out there who can say they've never had a "real haircut". All those comments acknowledging the length of your hair are simply compliments and you should be excited about it. Most guys find girls with really long hair, really attractive, because it's something you don't see all the time. If you really want to see what you look like with short hair, you can always get a short hair wig, or go to one of those online sites. But I can almost guarantee, you'd look prettier with it long.

Should i finally cut my hair(please keep reading)?????

Oh get over yourself. All around the world people are starving and this is how you preoccupy your mind?

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