Monday, April 16, 2012

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

My dad is very old-fashioned and he doesn't want be to get my hair cut (becuz according to him woman should have long hair and men should have short hair). My mom pretty much agrees with him. I pretty much agree too, But i dont want my hair sooo long. my hair is all the same length and goes to my mid-back. I just want it a bit shorter and more of a style to it. How can i convince them?

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

Just go do it and don't tell them.

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

you could cut it yourself.

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

Tell them the hair you will cut you will donate it to the Locks of Love, its a foundation that will give your hair to needy cancer pacients to make wigs and its for a good cause.

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

you need to tell them it's your hair and you have to live with it not are people to :)

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

Well, you could tell them that the ends are all split, and you want to get it trimmed so your hair can grow out healthy again.....

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

Cut it! Live your life but be respectful

THE SLEEP_WALKERS by Kahlil Gibran

In the town where I was born lived a

woman and her daughter, who walked in

their sleep.

One night, while silence enfolded the

world, the woman and her daughter, walk-

ing, yet asleep, met in their mist-veiled


And the mother spoke, and she said:

"At last, at last, my enemy! You by

whom my youth was destroyed--who have

built up your life upon the ruins of mine!

Would I could kill you!"

And the daughter spoke, and she said:

"O hateful woman, selfish and old! Who

stand between my freer self and me!

Who would have my life and echo of your

own faded life! Would you were dead!"

At that moment a cock crew, and both

women awoke. The mother said gently,

"Is that you, darling?" And the daugh-

ter answered gently, "Yes, dear."

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

You can tell them that you want to donate your hair to locks of love. This is an organization that makes wigs for kids going through cemotherapy. good luck.

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

try going through a magazine and showing them what you want and they can suggest what they like too and make your decision that way

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

Cut it yourself.

tie it where you want to cut it (or braid it) and then snip snip snip... go tothe beauty shot with the braid and tell them you want to give it to locks of love. (do this only if you cut off more than 6 inches.. they can't use it if it is less than that) I've donated over 7 inches of hair to them.. twice.

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

I understand exactly how you feel. I've recently cut my hair shorter and the style I have works great for me.

If you are serious about wanting a change on your hair, talk to your parents explaining why you want to do this. While they may object, listen to them patiently and don't respond back in a negative way. When you do that, it makes the parents not want to do what you want to do with yourself. For a while they may say "No" but if you keep asking, they will for sure give in. I hope this helps you, good luck.

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

Well, I think the first step would be to show your parents that you are responsible to make desicions for yourself and then sit down with them and talk to them about it and be sure to stay calm and don't get mad or rude if they say something you don't like or you don't agree with. I would just ask them to comprimise. If you still want your hair long, but not as long, you can talk about putting layers in your hair, and if they reject your request see what they think about maybe to your bra strap, or something. My sisters sister-in-law went through this, but she is only 12. After a while, she was able to get her hair cut. It is really cute too! Good luck! But remember to respect whatever desicion your parents decide upon.

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

Wear a bee hive or wear it up in a bridal style.

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

Sit down with them one-on-one with some pictures of what you want done. explain to them that in order to keep your hair healthy it needs to be trimmed about once every six to eight weeks. Calmly tell them that you agree that you don't want short hair, just a cute longer style. Just search the web for long hair cuts/styles. You can print them off or save them to your computer to show your parents when you have your talk with them, and agree together on a hair cut to suit you and keep them happy as well.

How do I convince my parents to let me get my hair cut?!?

well if you would like to cut 10 inch off you can always tell them you would like to donate your hair to Wigs For Kids and then find a salon that participates in that.Or explain to them you will keep the length but you want to add a little more style like longer layering and a little bit framing your face.

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