Monday, April 16, 2012

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

i had a hair styles cut my bangs and there really short now i had them like grown all out but i just want them like an inch longer but i want the process to go faster does eney one know eney thing to make hair grow faster

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

GNC has a supplement called "Nourishair" that makes the hair grow faster, you can read what's in it by googling it. Be warned these pills are HUGE and you have to take 2 a day.

Also ProCaps labs sells a "hair skin and nails" formula that does the same thing, supports hair growth and health, and is smaller and easier to swallow.

If you take only Biotin alone, make sure you take at least 2.5 milligrams or 2500 micrograms [the same thing] a day because thats' a good amount to take. I use the Nourshair supplement from GNC now and my hair is growing faster than it did, but it took about 6 to 8 weeks of daily use to see results.

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

take gelatin tablets or pre-natal pills. Be sure to make sure it is ok with your doctor first.

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

Find someone to braid your hair and make sure they braid it really tight!!!!!

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

cut it s little bit it will grow faster then i have heard.. it may take a while though

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

I heard that messaging the scalp increases circulation so it makes you hair grow faster. might not be true though. but its worth a try!

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?


Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

Although there is nothing that you can do to make your hair grow faster with current technology, there are a number of things that may actually slow the process such as; a poor hair care regimen, poor diet, illness, medication, male and female pattern hair loss, and emotional stress.

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

As far as studies go; hair growth is a genetic factor; just like the rate that your nails grow (toenails grow slower).

I've heard that pre-natal vitamins help,maybe you can give them a try, since they have all needed for special nutritional balance.

Let me know if they do work..!!!

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

Hair grows cuz blood stimulates your scalp.

Find something to stimulate ur scalp.

Sulfu 8 is a brand that gets rid of dandruff by givin u that tingle in ur scalp becuase it stimulates the scalp.

Massage ur head daily to get blood flowing in that area.

Also try mixture of

olive oil, 1 egg, a couple teaspoons of honey and mayo.

Mix until u get a consistency thicker than conditioner,After u shampoo substitue for conditioner and leave in for 45 min, rinse with warm water. This mixture willl rid u of split ends: WHY?

1)Olive Oil-hydrates dry scalp.

2)Egg-Replace Protein lost in hair.

3)Honey is good for your skin period, battles dry hair.

4)Mayo-Fatty and Oily hydrtates hair.

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

In the pharmacy they usually have pills for beauty such as making your hair grow....but the best way is to keep your hair healthy

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

The average person hair grows about 1/2 inch a month. Use conditioner's that promote hair growth. And for every 1/2 inch your hair grows get about 1/4 th trimmed. I an a licensed hair stylist.

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

Take those pills that woman take when they are pregnant. it is really supposed to be vitamins for the baby, but with no baby, the nutrients will make your hair grow out, make your skin healthy, grow out your nails, and so on. It really works, hope this will help.

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?


Don't cut it.

Does eney one know how to make hair grow faster ?!?!?

Hi, Im a student in the field of cosmetology,

Nothing can really make your hair grow longer. Ive looked. But there are things you can do to help it.

One thing is that if you straighten or use irons on your hair, like myself, deep condition your hair ALOT! I do it two to three times a week! Even if you dont have a deep conditioner you can use regular conditioner on your hair for an hour or more, this also works nicely. My hair became really strong after this.

Vitamins help too! Take a multivitamin and a vitamin B-complex.

Do not color your hair alot! It weakens your hair causing it to snap off. If you do need to though, dont forget to condition, condition, condition!!! Dont forget bleaching! That is one of the worste things you could do!!

Cutting your hair doesnt make it grow faster!!! All that does is remove the split ends.

Massage your scalp regularly, this helps with growth!! It helps circulate blood flow in the scalp, with premotes hair growth.

Hope this information was helpful :)

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