Saturday, May 5, 2012

I have a hair type and style problem?

I have thick hair, and my strands are really straight that my back doesn't curl (follows or sticks with my neck) and my hair seems to be like a spike when cut short. I see other guys like me whose hairs are fine looking when cut short, which really frustrates me. I tried different kinds of methods to have this 'curling problem' fixed.a hair cutter I recently went said that my hair would really look good, if only I had it long. But I want to have a hairstyle that is like the one of Gerald Anderson. But my super straight hair is preventing me from doing it. I tried having my hair curled, but its just temporary, and my back does not really sticks to my neck, though it of curls. After asking many questions, I've finally known that it's my hair strands which got the problem. Because every strand is thick and really straight. If only I'll be able to alter the growth of my hair strand, my problem would be solved. But is there a way to change it? If not, what is the best hairstyle for me?

I have a hair type and style problem?

i'm not sure how old you are. when i was a young fella, my hair was very similar to yours. i had the same wishes that you have. i let my mind take care of it. eventually, i ended up with slightly wavy hair. when you want something bad enough, believe it or not, your mind can commit, what some people might call, miracles.

some people might think that wavy hair is a silly thing to wish for, but i got mine, without human hands.

I have a hair type and style problem?

Check out thousands of hairstyles using for links to websites offering different hairstyles, tips and free makeovers, you will be able to find something suitable. You can also upload a photo and try different hairstyles

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