Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

I hate going to get my hair trimmed because of what happened yesterday. I "had" long hair. I do nothing w/ my hair other than wash it and brush it, but it's all good. My hair has no cut "style" it's all one length which you would think would be a fairly simple and quick cut, right? That's usually the case anyway.

I went in yesterday and asked for the usual 1-2" only. I also physically showed the chick how much I wanted taken off due to my past experience of them liking to chop it off.

The chick chopped 5" off!

This isn't the first time that it has happened in my history of having long hair. It NEVER happened when I had shorter hair. So what gives? I know they have length guides on their combs or something, why not use it? I know not all hairdressers are like this, but I have encountered 7 or 8 over the last 6 years. Someone PLEASE tell me why this keeps happening and how to prevent it?

(Sorry, I'm pissed and ranting b/c this has happened soooo many times before.)

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

Call the shop today and complain to the manager. She gave you poor customer service by not listening to you. Tell her you require a refund and ask her to mail the money back to you.

My hair is long (not as long as yours!) and I love my hair, I get compliments about it. I feel confident with my hair at this leangth. When you get a bad cut it sucks- it is so shocking to look in the mirror and see how much is gone! Its weird because I feel bald when I get a bad hack job even tho my hair is still below my shoulders. I understand completly! And for those who say "it will grow" thats a cop out answer. We know it grows, but the emotianal connection has just been messed with and we are ticked off! It is frustrating.

Next time you need a trim, ask a couple of friends for a referal. Call the shop and explain that when more than 3 inches is cut you feel horrible. Tell them what your expectations are, and ask them if they can accomidate you. I have a great person, if you lived in Washington I would give you her name!

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

I don't even go to the hairdressers any more because that has happened to me before and I also was pissed. I couldn't believe it. So now I just cut my own hair or have my sister or my mom cut my hair. I figure we could probably do a better job they can do.

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

soooo sorry 2 hear tht,

better luck next time

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

they think they know best. you have to go the top notch haircutters. they will listen to you and do want u want

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

Consultation by a hair stylist is very important. If your stylist did not consult with you prior to cutting your hair and making the communications clear I will not let that person cut my hair. I get my clients through referrals onl, since they have seen my work. I think you should do the same thing-ask friends! Stylist should update their skills and also business acumen.

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

Wow.......I'm sorry that happened to you! If you're going to a place like a Supercuts or somewhere in the mall......not that you CAN'T get a great hair cut in those salons, you certainly can but for the most part those are usually places to begin a career in the industry so many times the stylists don't have a tremendous amount of experience. Here's what's happening to you: When dealing with long hair it's often an optical illusion. If you begin with your perimiter guideline at the nape of the neck and you do, indeed, take off only 1" what ends up happening is that by the time you drop your next section, you need to remove 2" to follow the guide and with the next section it's 3" to follow the guide etc. And before you know it what you THOUGHT was only going to be one inch has now become 4-5! The hair on the hairline is always finer and will usually be shorter so I make sure to take a large enough section there to assure that my initial guide actually is in the body of the cut and not the finer, shorter baby hair. If I cut this finer, shorter, baby hair too short I will SURELY take WAY too much off of the body of the cut.This is a common mistake inexperienced stylists make.

My advice to you is this: find someone you trust and stick with the same person. Even if it costs you a bit more. Now, you may be asking yourself, "How do I FIND someone I can trust?". When you see somone who has great hair ask them where they get there hair cut and when you hear the same name or salon several times....that's where you need to go.

Communication is EVERYTHING!! Make sure you tell the stylist that you want only an inch taken off. If she tries to tell you that you need more than what you want taken off or it will look better if she cuts more or if she just seems to be not listening (Some stylists have HUGE egos and zero talent to back it up! ) GET UP AND LEAVE! If she wants to take you to the shampoo bowl without even looking at your hair, talking to you about your wants and needs, without putting her hands in your hair got it, GET UP AND LEAVE! She should ask you many questions before shampooing your hair.....How long has it been since it's been cut? How do you style your hair every day? If you tell her you curl it with an iron, she should want to know what size iron...etc! And by all means don't be afraid to explain to her as you've done here. Tell her your past experiences and let her know that you're uneasy about the cut. This should instill some conservativism in her. Remember, you're PAYING for a service! Some people tend to forget that when they're in the chair.

I hope that's helped!

Again, sorry about the experience and good luck in the future!

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

I completely and totally empathize with you hun...however, I am on the other end of the spectrum...I am a hair stylist....and some people out there have NO BUSINESS being hair dressers...they give us a bad wrap....I, as a stylist, wont even touch a persons hair if I dont know exactly what I am doing...If a woman comes in and has long hair, I will go into cut mode and just take a piece off and show her exactly how much will be coming off...since its so small a piece, I can adjust the length after to be more or less, however she chooses...however, I am just one stylist, I hardly ever get any complaints from my customers, cause I stand in front of them, give them my full attention by looking in their eyes, and explain back to them what I am gonna be doing....I have a huge clientele base, cause I LISTEN....if a stylist doesnt give you their full attention when you are explaining to them what you want, then you can bet you arent going to get what you want.....for all you people out there who are looking for good haircuts, maybe you should try a "Supercuts"...I know they have gotten a bad wrap as far as being a "chop shop", but do all of you realize that these stylists are trained specially for giving quick and accurate haircuts? They are trained to cut quickly and accurately to give you the best service possible, and so that you dont have to sit in a salon all day....they have on going trainings there (every three months), to keep up to date on all the latest trend cuts, etc...Now, as I said before, not all people are meant to be hairdressers, just like in any other field, but these stylists at "Supercuts" are trained in excess, so that you dont have to pay $40. for an excellent haircut...another good thing about them is that ALL of their haircuts are guaranteed....if you dont like it, you can come back within seven days and request that it is fixed or request your money back...they are there for the clients....but just remember, we can't fix it if we dont know its broken....before, I let anyone out of my chair, they have to tell me their hair looks perfect...if it doesnt, I fix it before I let them up, if they say it looks perfect, then after that, It isnt my concern anymore. That is my signature on their head when they walk out the door, so I do my best...if more hair stylists, felt that way, we would not have so many "bad haircuts" walking around here....moral of the story, if you dont like it, tell them, you may hurt their feelings, but youre never gonna see them again anyway....all you have to say is simply, "I am deeply upset that you did not do what I asked you to do." And dont tip them....the tips are for a job well done....maybe if enough people do this, it will make them think before they dont listen to another of luck to you all, and dont forget: SUPERCUTS......The End

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

that happened to me once when i was in third grade, the lady at hairzoo(idont go there anyomore) cout off like 6 inches!! my hair was like down passed my chest and she cut it like ight to my ears! i was so pissed

Why don't some hairdressers listen and/or use a guide for cutting long hair?

This has happened to me also. The first time, I got pizzed and almost punched the dog (they won't let me say ******), in the mouth. The place I went to was right up the road from me, about two blocks and had several other stylists in it. I went back, but I refused to let the same woman cut it again and told them, loud enough that the whole place could hear me, but not yelling, that she didn't know the difference between 2" and 6" and she wouldn't be chopping on my hair again. If I couldn't get a different one as a 'walk in' then I'd either go away or make an appointment with a different one.

A few years ago, there was a new one and she took off almost 8" for a two inch trim. I'd actually told her to trim it about even with the bra strap, which was about 2 or 3", but it ended up being just a little longer than shoulder length.

Being older and calmer, I informed her that either I'd forgotten to wear and bra that day, and I snapped it in the front just to prove I'd remembered it, or she never wore one and had no clue where the back strap would be. I didn't really get mad, but I was upset, and it will always grow back, and let's face it, some times the hair, especially mine at that time, needs a good whacking to get rid of the bad stuff.

It's so much better now that we've had the water softener installed though, that I'd probably get ticked should it happen again. That's why I let one of my friends do it for me now. She used to do it for a living and she's cheap! lol

Heck, I used to cut my daughters hair all the time, as long as she wanted it cut straight across the back. I didn't try to style it though, I don't do styles, just straight cuts. Even then I was careful. I'd touch her back at the end of her hair and tell her that's where it's at, then touch up where I thought she wanted it cut to and ask if that was right. If it was, the cutting then began. If not, then she'd tell me lower or higher and that's where I'd cut it.

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