Saturday, April 14, 2012

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?

please say if you are a guy or girl and answer this about your ideal person to date then answer the following questions:

1.brown, blond, red, or black hair?

2.what style hair? (long %26amp; straight or short %26amp; curly, ext)

3. What kind of clothes? (abercrombie, skater, goth, ext)

4. Personality? (nice, caring, sweet, full of themselves?)

5. tall or short?

6. skinny, super skinny, normal, chubby, fat, or really fat?

7. and anything else you wanna add.

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?

I am a girl, my ideal person is a guy. The following is my ideal guy, but not my actual standards. Except for personality.

1. brown (only with blue-green eyes), or light blond (only with dark blue eyes)

2. Not to short (no buzz cuts) but not to long.

3. Jeans that aren't ripped up and baggy, graphic tee's with leather jacket, or polo's. Clean cut.

4. Nice, sweet, polite, funny, talkative, honest, romantic, smart (as smart as me, no more no less)

5. Short. (I'm short, 5ft. tall)

6. Lean, with abs, like a male models body. Not overly, steroid-looking buff.

7. My ideal guy is cute. He can't be smothering. He's a virgin and wants to wait until marriage. He's not aggressive or too forward.

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?

im a guy

1. blonde

2. dont care



5. shorter than me


7. no

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?


light brown

short and straight

i dunno

sweet, nice, fun to be around, does surprising and cute things...

a few inches taller than me (im 5 4


what's this for???

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?

I'm a girl

1. blond/brown/red/black

2. short/straight/curly

3. Casual

4. Confident, sensitive, manly, sweet

5. Not too tall

6. Normal -chubby

7. Intelligent, has a purpose in life, believes in equity

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?

im a man

1. Any

2. Longish and straight with the bangs

3. TNA

4.nice, sexy

5.Shorter then me even with heels on

6. slim

7. this was dumb

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?

well im a girl but im yeah but

1. brown or blonde, doesnt matter that much

2.straight,medium or longer

3.hollister usually

4.for guys i like full of themselves

for girls i like caring and sweet

5.guys taller

girls same or shorter

6.normal but fit/toned

7. i have no

hope this helps w/ whatever ur trying to do =p

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?


is not relevant

is not relevant

is not relevant

as long as there is a connection it is not relevant

is not relevant

is not relevant


Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?

im a guy.



old style

nice and sweet



vegatarian atleast

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?

i'm a girl(:

1. brown

2. medium

3.punk or preppy

4. funny; good humor

5. taller than short..but not super tall;] lol

6.skinny, super skinny or normal

7. uhm..i like musical guys [not band geeks, but like..guitar, good singing voice] and they gotta keep a conversation going..instead of one person doing all the talking, ya know? =]

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?


1. black

2. straight,short

3. normal but not a punk or a gangsta or a nerd

4. nice,caring , faithful , sweet

5. taller than me but not that tall

6.normal (who wants a really fat guy?)

7. his age : he cant be younger than you and he cant be 5 yrs older than you

Short little quiz thingy, answer. You get 2 points?!?

Imma girl




4.nice, caring, %26amp; sweet



7.must be athletic and smart

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