Monday, April 23, 2012

I need hair help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

im really scared to cut my hair short iv had it long for 8 years its long blonde thick and down to my butt i really need it cut but im scared and i need a style a lot shorter w/ pics i also need to be convinced to cut it at all cuz im so scared

I need hair help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

get it shoulder lenth

I need hair help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Only get it trimmed at first! I didn't have my hair cut until I was 10 so my hair was reaaaally long and they would only trim it at first because otherwise you will probably hate it and it will take a long time to grow back. Have an inch off at a time until it's a lot shorter and you're more confident.

I need hair help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I am not sure what exactly you are aiming for, but I can tell you this, don't be afraid :]

Short hair is not your enemy, actually it is your friend. It is a lot easier to maintain and a lot faster too.

I understand what you are going through. I had half down my back hair and took it up to chin length in one cut, and i loved it!!

It looked different for a while, but I eventually began to love it.

Also, remember, that if you absolutely detest it, it WILL grow back :]

Try putting layers in. Since you have "long blond thick" hair, it would look good!!

Also, don't take it up too far. That would be too drastic of a change to deal with, I know.

If you want take it up to half down your back, then in another month or two, take it just below your shoulders, or however long you want it.

I need hair help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Cut it off!!! I would definalty get it Razor cut if its that thick. Add a bunch of layers! It will look so Awesome when you flat iron it! Go for it girl!! Dont be Scuured! :)

I need hair help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I had straight blonde hair down to my waist until the day I graduated college because I was competing for Miss CA. I went to a length about 3" below my shoulders because I have a rounder face and need some length to balance it out (and it's easier to go from an extreme to the middle than it is to go to another extreme). My hair is on the thinner side so I have light top layers and long bangs that I wear with a part just off-center. Since I don't know your face shape, it's hard to say but the general rule of thumb is longer faces want shorter, fuller hair and more narrow faces do best with longer hair. Layers are great on most people - you just have to make sure that you don't get overly-layered so you get movement without getting too thin. Start keeping your eyes peeled for girls with great cuts that have a similar face shape to yours. And ask them which salons they use. The best way to have confidence when changing your style is to go to someone you know does a great job. When I cut my hair off I went to someone really expensive because I knew he did good work. Once I established my new style I started going to more affordable places to have them keep it up.

The one thing to prepare yourself for is how short it will feel the first time you wash it! It will seem like you've been snatched bald when you shampoo the ends. lol

I think you just have to jump in with both feet. Look at it as an opportunity to feel lighter and like a more updated version of you. You may not find your "perfect" style the first time you get it cut, but the best thing about hair is that it will just keep growing back and you can keep at it until it's just right.

Mandy Moore consistently has great hair. Here are some of her styles (although if your hair is stick straight they may be blah - and these styles require styling):

Rachel Bilson has longer hair with a few layers and it's straight:

And one more thing, have them give you the hair they cut off. You can have it turned into snap-in extensions to add volume for special occasions. I didn't do it and I really wish I had because now I have to buy them for my wedding.

I need hair help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

You can sell your long hair at:

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