Friday, April 20, 2012

I am dating this guy who I REALLY like & he wants to put his hair in dreads-This is NOT my style

I never saw his hair before cause he always wears a hat. I finally saw it and it's kinda longer and NOT attractive on him. We have different styles but I really will be unattracted to him with his hair chin length and in dreadlocks. He keeps asking me what I think and I send him pics of cute shorter hair but for some reason he wants the dreads. I don't want to tell him "I will NOT think you are cute with dreads", but then I want him to know how I really feel about it. What should I do?

I am dating this guy who I REALLY like %26amp; he wants to put his hair in dreads-This is NOT my style.What do i do?

My man is bald and has a beer gut but I lwould'nt trade him for the hottest stud on the planet. As long as he is a good, kind person who treats you well why do you care what his hair looks like.?

I am dating this guy who I REALLY like %26amp; he wants to put his hair in dreads-This is NOT my style.What do i do?

let him do what he wants dump him and get with me lol sike

I am dating this guy who I REALLY like %26amp; he wants to put his hair in dreads-This is NOT my style.What do i do?

well its HIS style. let him do it. If you really liked him then youd accept that..and him.

I am dating this guy who I REALLY like %26amp; he wants to put his hair in dreads-This is NOT my style.What do i do?

You can say, "Since you asked me what I think, I'm going to be straight with you - I'd be hugely turned ON if your hair was shorter. If it's in dreadlocks, I wouldn't feel it very much. I respect your doing whatever you want. But you did ask."

I am dating this guy who I REALLY like %26amp; he wants to put his hair in dreads-This is NOT my style.What do i do?

Tell him the truth about what you think.

But, Ihave to ask , how do you start going out with a man without seeing his head of hair. It's almost as if you are saying you never knew how long his hair was until he took off his hat......scary that you would not know even what he looks like with his hat off.

Did you go out with him because of his hair, or because of his personality. Because I cannot see his personality changing that much because of the hair. I mean really, isn't it supposed to be the inside that counts? And hair is not really a big deal.

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