Wednesday, May 9, 2012


OK, Im a 13yr old guy and my mom said she wanted to trim my hair in the front and I finally gave in and when she went to do it she gave me a bowlcut and now I look like a freak, I used to have hair like my avatar and everyone liked it, and I was going to ask this girl out tomorrow and now I cant cause my hair looks freaky, I do not look good in short hair, and I have to go to hockey sunday and also I want to ask that girl out tomorrow too but I dont want to look freaky. Hair style ideas plez? I really need help for this, cause the bowl style looks freaky and short hair doesnt look good on me. PLEZ HELP! Thanks


Try shaving it all off. It is the in thing right now. If that doesn't work try spiking it up.


duno if it is me being stupid here, but in the best answer it says "If that doesn't work try spiking it up", if it doesnt work shaving it all off, there will be nothing to spike up and he will be stuck with it!. Report It


my god ur hair looks bad shave it off Report It


Quickly go to a professional. They can almost certainly see possibilities that you can't see for yourself. No need to be a skinhead. There are lots of girls who find that look really ugly. Many prefer some hair on their BF's head. Report It


Tell the hairdresser what happened and ask for their best cool ideas, then go for it! Tell Mom you love her and appreciate that she had good intentions, but your social life is nothing to play with in getting soupbowl haircuts. Give her a big hug, then get going to the hairdresser! Report It


How about shaving it all off? WHY in the world did your mum give you a bowl cut - you're too old for that. It looks cute on little boys...good luck hun...


Tell your mom you love her but you don't like the new haircut she gave you, just grow it back, simple.


Try a faux hawk. Not as risky as a mo hawk but equally as cool. Girls love it!


get her to re-cut it... if she's safe enough for this... and make the ends "spiky" ... so it looks cool


Stop just short of shaving it all off...leave about an eighth of an inch all the way around. That's what I do...and chick love rubbing my head.


well if the girl really likes u like u like her u shouldent have a problem she wont say no to u because the way ur hair is its gonna grow bak i dont really kno wat u can do with it but good luk


well, hmmm... I think the only options you have are to either wear a hat until your hair grows out again, or have it professionally cut, not necessarily shortening it, but adding layers so it is not bowl-shaped... or you could use a bunch of gel/pommade to give it more texture...

sorry - there is nothing worse than a bad haircut! But the good news is that it is just hair and it will grow out!


Wear a baseball hat that you like untill your hair caomes back in. BTW, any girl that is not going to like you because of a messed up haircut is not a girl tht you want to date. IMHO, you're too young to date anyways. Stick to hockey, it is less painful than relationships.


You need more help with English sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Shave it off but not like bold or wear a cap :)


You might be surprised to know that others may not find your hair as bad as you think it is. But if you really want to do something, try using mousse or gel to slick it back or part it in the middle and feather it back or shave it all off and go bald or get a george clooney hair cut.


I would just make the best of it. If she really likes you she will like you for you not your hair.


you will survive . ask the girl anyway if she likes you she wont care . Just don't give mom a hard time . I don't think she did it on purpose you will hurt her feelings and after all she is your Mom


Hang in there young man, it is not about the looks and hair. It's about being confident! Shaving it all of might be a good idea but remember, all you need is some self-confidence and you shall go out with that girl and look good at hockey.


Get some good gel or cement, use your fingers and give it the spike hair look. You can pull the hair out and twist or just run your fingers through pulling it out as you go. It could turn out really cute...



9 seconds ago

Try shaving it all off. It is the in thing right now. If that doesn't work try spiking it up.

(... shaving ..... doesn't work ..... try spiking !)

**That must be one of the funniest answers out - give her the 10 !!


try cutting all but two inches and then either spike it or comb it up and to the middle...almost like a mohawk, but more punk. good luck with your girl m8


wear a baseball cap until it grows out then you can have it cut the way you like it My ex had a hair cut way to short hated it asked what to I told her leave it she went had more chopped off she looked horrible and she just hated it and wanted something done I told her there's nothing left to be done and there not going to be able to do anything any ways because it was just to short it took twice as long to grow out properly when i was in the militia i was told by everyone how bad i looked and had people laugh at me because short hair doesn't suit me either after i resigned what i did was let my hair grow out trim a little when it was in my eyes let grow out trim a little then finally my hair was long enough to something with so just leave grow longer than usual then this way here your stylist can have that much more to work with it might not be perfect the first cut and it might be short again but it won't look so bowl shape eventually the second and especially the third cut will work out put a baseball cap on go ask her and if she says ya lets then if she stars to laugh with her and roar your guts its one of the minor embarrassing things in life


get to a professional quick. i did the same thing to my son once, and within 5 minutes we were in the car on our way to the barber to fix the mess i made. he looked great after that.


When you can start showing improvement in your English sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling, then you can get your hair cut the way you want. Quit whining.

But, at this point, I can highly recommend a great product that is guaranteed to solve your problem. Go to the store and ask for some "Nair".


how about wearing a baseball cap or truckers hat (depending on your personality) to hide it untilyou figure it out. guys always look cute in hats.

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